I'm Lauren Blankstein, New York City-based artist, and this is my GlogauAIR project space.
Here you’ll find documentation of the projects I developed during the residency. My art practice is centered on materiality. Hints of the built world show up in my work through my material choices. I spent the past two months exploring different ways to execute and show my work both in physical and online spaces, applying this interest in materials to my current series which I call "Body Puzzles".
Body Puzzles has been in development for about a year. It emerged unexpectedly on my yoga mat as I explored making shapes with my body through the lens of my iPhone. In this work, anatomy dissolves into biomorphic shapes and cosmic landscapes. For me, the melding together of the different bodily forms to create something “other” speaks to the idea of oneness -- we are not separate from nature, from each other, or from the spaces we navigate.
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
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Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
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insta: @laurenblankstein
I created this video to capture the surprise I feel during my process, as well as provide a meditative experience for the viewer.
It also communicates the handmade nature of my work and that these are not digitized compositions.
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